Obama’s early actions was to relieve Gen. The last two presidents have set some of this tone. I frankly think that blanket deference has been shown to not be to the benefit of the Department of Defense or our system, which is predicated on civilian control.” “What we are seeing now is not a kneejerk deference to senior military officials, but a responsibility to exert civilian oversight over military leaders. “You can only hear a general say we are turning the corner so many times,” said Representative Peter Meijer, Republican of Michigan and a veteran of the Iraq War. Carter when he served as defense secretary. have a pretty strong political antenna, and it may be that the military brand is not what it used to be,” said John Gans, who was the chief speechwriter to Ashton B. Biden’s fitness for office and hinting that the 2020 presidential election may have been fraudulent, drawing further critiques of military leaders straying far outside their responsibilities. This month, a group of retired admirals and generals caused an uproar after signing a letter questioning Mr. The shift from reverence to skepticism in the legislative branch mirrors broader societal frustrations after two decades of wars, pervasive sexual assault and harassment of female troops - underscored by a grisly killing last year of a female soldier at Fort Hood - and political extremism in the ranks. It was Congress that finally pushed the Marine Corps to integrate women in its training platoons, and lawmakers recently told Army generals to halt a fitness test that they deemed unfair to female troops. They are pushing their prerogatives on the president’s powers to declare war, on troop levels overseas and on engagements in places like Syria, recently bolstered by President Biden’s decision to withdraw fully from Afghanistan, against the wishes of military leaders. Lawmakers on both ends of the political spectrum have increasingly joined forces to curtail the military. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Democrat of New York, has amassed scores of supporters needed to pass a bill that would break with tradition and remove military commanders from a role in prosecuting service members for sexual assault, after years of failing to win sufficient support in the face of Pentagon opposition. But now, increasingly, it is lawmakers from both parties who are telling “the generals” how things are going to be, and less the other way around.

The military’s relationship with its civilian masters is regularly strained, as it was under Presidents Barack Obama and Donald J. Clinton’s messy compromise, “don’t ask, don’t tell,” was repealed, but only after a new generation of senior Defense Department officials told a hushed panel of reverent senators that the time had come.

19 Schools Are Named for the Obamas.WASHINGTON - President Bill Clinton, newly elected and eager to fulfill a central campaign promise, moved in 1993 to end a ban on gay men and women in the military, but he was stymied by senior military officers, who coordinated with a deferential Democratic senator, Sam Nunn of Georgia.Schools Named for Confederate Leaders: The Renaming Debate, Explained.
How to Cite This Dataĭata: The Schools Named After Confederate Figures (2020, June 17).

Schools that were named after an entity/person that had Confederate ties were included.Sources: Education Week Research Center and Education Week Library, 2018 news reporting, school and district websites National Center for Educational Statistics, 2017-18 (for private schools), and 2019-2020 (for public schools) Wikipedia Southern Poverty Law Center data, 2016, 2019, and 2021.